Friday, April 20, 2012

So, what do u think?Is the water safe to drink? Would u put it in ur babies bottle? explanation of FRACKNG

This short video will explain in a simple way what fracking is all about.

Friday, April 6, 2012

hello again

It seems that alot of people think that the process of fracking is becoming alot safer now, but how many people and animals will be serverely hurt until the gas companies finally perfect the processes.  In their defense, the gas and oil companies have created a process to bring the dangerous chemicals through a tube so that it doesn't effect the air, soil or water supply.  This is called "backflow". There has recently been a gag order passed.  Doctors have the right to know what dangerous chemicals are being used in fracking and the harm they could cause, but have to sign an agreement that they won't give out this information to others including their patients.  How are people supposed to protect themselves without knowledge?

Friday, March 30, 2012


We need to ban together to save our lands and wildlife for the future generations.
If we don.t stop the frackers now, we might not have a future generation to protect.
Don't stay silent.
We need all the help we can get.